Tuesday, July 28, 2015

What is in a Name

What is in a Name

An animal from the ancient wild stands alone with a sense

Of the past that binds it to an instinctive intelligence


The wolf of grey requires no name for matters of time

No name for this place; nor a name for how it tracks signs


Nor does the wolf need a description of next meal or reason why a wolf howls

 Across the crevice at the moonlit shadows where a bird with horns sits and scowls

At the notion of nameless predators that are not owls


Do wolves and owls need names to attach to their claims

Do they provide their offspring with specific names


Do they meet at the Lake of Deep knowledge to discuss why the name two

Or whether the number of two is more than a count in queue or a placement to view


Do they each consider that two could be a story of beginning (or an end) by its sum total

Becoming three by addition - while consummating in motile


Or perhaps, evolve into a name of four by multiplying

Or in a more fatal consequence, two could become less by one in dying


Does a wolf wonder what is in a name

And does the owl ponder who is not the same

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