Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A Healing Garden

A Healing Garden
A radiance awakens with imperceptible glints

Across the transparent surface forming patterns of diaphanous tints
And dawn’s blue rush converges upon mother’s prints
Painting a winter’s garden growth of golden leaves
Creating a place where cold and heat healing interweaves

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


She steps past each day

Reaching for harmony’s rungs

None shall keep her in sweet stay


 Haunted way too young;

Running in faltering stride,

And chased by many a dissonant tongue -


A young mother bride

Runs across the sand

Seeking a mate at her side


Treading for a place to stand

Measuring each riser’s time

Whilst reaching out her hand


Knowing neither the rhyme
Nor reason that transcends

Both the carnal and the sublime


Does the stairway descend

Unto waiting of the day

Or lift up to heaven’s ascend-


She sings, “Come with me this way -

Matters not thy trebled steps –

Only a voice to sing away the day”