Friday, July 31, 2015

Letting Go

A river runs forth in one direction
flowing and changing at random
reflecting the water’s spools
and the level of deepness
to her moody pools 
Her deep secret waters are calm
construed by tranquility
whereas, her surface waters are confounding
emotions;  raging and unpredictable
or languish through time
moving towards the drop of the horizon 
Shall the soul be as well
calm –
in a solitary place
balancing between life and death
positioned at the pivot of infinity
or stormy –
in passionate frenzy
ready to dispel the grips of fear 
What mask should one need to wear
one that shields the face of the egoic mind
a rational mask
that portrays an outward sanity
a desirous mask
that appears to be kind
a spiritual mask 
that seeks a grace to bind 
What are the river currents saying
when they become raging rapids that threaten -
To steer mightily against the river’s power
by flailing at turbulence’s beset
or allow thoughts to quiet and be gently set –
as rudders to navigate life’s travails
and so to regain balance and equanimity 
Life moves along relentlessly
from the places and time of a distant past
creating shadows of nostalgic tell
seeking tranquil tomorrows
as the eyes peer at the face of mortality
as finite reality
reflected in the mirrors of perception
images of the infallible – will falter
the future is an unknowable existential place 
Using words to form thoughts
may please ambitions
however, these are notions
that need interpretation 
Explain the way out
through the portals
where nothing matters
outside the vastness
of nothingness 
Goodness and evilness are amorphous
based upon a dubious covenant;
a human stake
do no harm
it is so easy to make a mistake
falling into temptation’s wake 
Or to become suspended
by the conforms of madness
it’s only a nightmare until awakened 
Is that the voice of evil that beckons
what then, if it’s just a dream
nothing has changed in the reality
does being awake disprove the dream
of being good
or will wickedness wait
for the shadows of sleep

Shadows in the cave are formless -
forms inside the mind are hidden reflections 
and will egress from the darkness
when the candlelight defies lines of madness
Is there a better twisted rhyme
when does truth become its own fantasy
The image in the mirror owns its own flaws
trouble and happiness have a face
each arrives and stays
at its own discretion
whether or not invited or welcomed 
The universe is the dark source
containing all matter
including the light that touches
and brings life from nothingness
thus, allowing reality into being 
Unless the light is lost in the spectrum
creating the blue of the sky
as reflected in the blue of the oceans
and the blue in sadness
when longing and loss
are the reality
of solitude and distance 
Words of purpose and intention
promise no harmony nor bearing
words can be lost if no one remembers their connection
such as life and death
that tie a survivor’s pain
to a prayer’s reflection 
There is truth in that a sunflower is yellow 
There is a grace in saving a butterfly 
There is a nobility in the eye of the wilderness 
There is certainty in the eye of a wolf 
And there is profoundness in the hand of a newborn child
Does reality exist within reveries of the mind
if one cannot see randomness –
Will it – can it still exist 
The river calls
with currents that are perpetual
the water’s are deep
the streams of words converge
unto the river’s keep 
The reeds at the shore’s edge
stand static against the flow
being mere witnesses
as life’s canoe must meet its destiny
and challenge the laws of nature 
Set down the oars
it is time to give the river its play
trust the direction
follow its way
The words will flow
forever  - as long
as one knows
to let go.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Finding the Way with Randomness

Ever know the universe to make a claim to be all
And yet, nothingness does not disprove that this universe is everythingness
Stars do not appear to need a name or a number;
the light we can see is their past existence or might it be a forthcoming
The sun is alive with dynamic energy and radiance –
earth reflects upon that - does it not
Ever hear a tree cite its roots or make regret it loses her leaves
Or extol its presence is to cycle in the poisons of breathings
A lion hunts for its very existence and without hubris
Can the human hunter do the same and live with equal honor
Ever know a bird to exaggerate its flight to gain fame
Or know of any ego that takes flight and then eschews notice and renown
Does a dog need to give loyalty to exist with a human
And does that human always accept that fidelity needs balance
Do dreams need an awakening to establish realities
Or can a reality also exist within reverie
Does nature accept that the human touch
Creates as well as it destroys - with and without intention
Because one places a name
To something - does it then become its claim
If one cannot see randomness
Can it still exist
And will purpose allow variate
to remain intact without change
Do the words in this thought
Change meaning if they are placed randomly

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Who Is He

He walks among the masses along nameless streets

Who he is or where he comes from is of little note

For the work day march is on and the focus is constrained

Commuter drones massing and circling in cauldrons of urban bane


He runs down thru the rivers of concrete away from the purple rain

The wall of tall buildings with glass that mirror the twisted reflections

Of the long shadows dragging behind him with its many faces

Masks with the happy paints, masks of sad lines and masks with awful scars


The clock strikes five and the workers swarm back into the trains with bars

As they race upon rails of iron with little chance to detach 

 For the night approaches and they must be inside their dream houses

While he flees to hide under the streets inside a dirty cardboard box


The nightmares still awaiting him to succumb to sleep’s pox

The fires burn and the sirens blare – someone else needs a medic

The screams are tragically operatic; a black musical

As the unfathomable din overwhelms the senses and the brain falls numb


She awakens him with a gentle touch saying, “Wake up - the day has come”

The room is awash in white light, the red stains are gone and so are the trains

He rises from the slum and slowly returns to his dream life

Not knowing who he was; nor why he sees that he is quite insane

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

What is in a Name

What is in a Name

An animal from the ancient wild stands alone with a sense

Of the past that binds it to an instinctive intelligence


The wolf of grey requires no name for matters of time

No name for this place; nor a name for how it tracks signs


Nor does the wolf need a description of next meal or reason why a wolf howls

 Across the crevice at the moonlit shadows where a bird with horns sits and scowls

At the notion of nameless predators that are not owls


Do wolves and owls need names to attach to their claims

Do they provide their offspring with specific names


Do they meet at the Lake of Deep knowledge to discuss why the name two

Or whether the number of two is more than a count in queue or a placement to view


Do they each consider that two could be a story of beginning (or an end) by its sum total

Becoming three by addition - while consummating in motile


Or perhaps, evolve into a name of four by multiplying

Or in a more fatal consequence, two could become less by one in dying


Does a wolf wonder what is in a name

And does the owl ponder who is not the same

Monday, July 27, 2015

If You Could Save a Butterfly

If You Could Save a Butterfly
If you could
would you
save a butterfly
If you could be a butterfly
would you
If could sit upon a beautiful flower
could you possibly be an ugly butterfly
if you were to be
the journey of the monarch butterfly
would you know where to begin and end
after thousands and thousands of years
If you could survive with less
would you give up over abundance
If you could be a butterfly
would you want to flutter around
inside the labs of genetic gardens
And would you be fine without nature
Would you go on a long journey
and return to mate and then die
Si fueras una mariposa
podrias ser muerto
If could save a butterfly
Would you

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Feeling Monkeys

The monkey people living in the feeling-trees
Do not need food nor sleep nor work nor play
That they must always say is their special way
They need nothing that does not include constant feelings
It is all about the sharing of the shares
With even more shares
As they ponder their feelings while sitting on their chairs
The monkey people like chatting across the tree tops
Because they can see monkey faces
in the mirror of the Lake-of-Looking
The noise is the me noise of all the selfie eyes
It’s me - It’s me - It’s me
 and me and me and me
Because monkey people are most important to one
The monkey people flag says:
One is me and I am the one
Feeling strong said the one feeling weak
Feeling happy that I am not feeling sad
Feeling good that I should be feeling good
Three monkey people sitting together
in the dubious tree are feeling a peeve
That there is no one to share what they believe
 Each agreeing they are feeling angry and sad
The constant self talking is quite mad
Feeling joy said the monkey boy
Feeling confused now that not feeling amused
Monkey people have a mood and it is understood
The story is who-what I am
They see very well in the mirror too
They think that they each are much more
Can any monkey see that this is not true
Oh No - now monkey is feeling a bore