Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Constructing Destruction

Water flows until the water falls
Ever emptying its source
Concurrently fulfilling
Its destination


Into circles of synchronicity


Fire gathers itself slowly
Into a volatile force
Simultaneously consuming
Light and darkness
Impulse sparks desire
And alarms survival
In coexistent pendulums
Striking dual intentions

Constructing destruction

in synchronicity



Friday, March 22, 2013

The Art of Depression

The waves come -

they have an endless poise

upon the ear

of crashing, crushing power

and too, a soothing lullaby   


always the waves they are coming...

with a gentleness at the dawn

and with threatening cascades

across the long night;

thoughts, irrepressible as the waves


breaking the impenetrable silence,

the deep immutable silent truth

that rages on endlessly

within the circles and the rooms

that keep the shells, the precious shells -


shells; keepsakes of sentiment

atonements for existence set adrift

scattered along the empty beaches

devoid of corporeal sense ...

shells’ depressions speak of transience


deep depressions within the molluskan form

tributes to creation; to existence; to intention

that sound the waves’ eerie constant:

Eros demands the moment -

While Psyche is...     

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Trees In Context

Across the canvass that is mother’s landscape -

Witnessed by masses of green trees

That seem the same but different; one cannot escape

That each is described by how science sees:


A trunk, branches...  rooted into the ground;

Annual growths come and go thru all the seasons

yet, though time waits not, the tree is still found

waiting, waiting for the eye to behold the poetic reasons


For a tree’s connection to the generations,

That come and go - as leaves,

While profoundly remaining at the core of one’s intentions

And, beyond anything one doubts or believes.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Art of Reflection

the long thin brushes lay in a wealth
of pigmentary queues
waiting for the silent canvass
to summon open the obverse mind
the gaunt three pointed steeled easel
a trichotomous pod with good standing
seeking turns to the light source
so to find lost values
the painter at the mirror of denial
his miasmic thoughts
churning like the magma at volcanic depths
 with omnificent fires suppressed and unreflective
the muse at the open window suspended
in equipoise between the arrogant artist
and the demure poet of self doubt
summoning the causes and the effects of reflection

Chaos of Insanity

Wildebeest, wildebeest - why do you run

Lurching in mass across the sun?


Your destinations found blindly

Your reactions sound wildly


Seeking the waters of optimism

While crossing desert of pessimism.


Wildebeest, wildebeest - why do you stand

In calm; peace, that you cannot understand?


While reason dissolves into chaos of insanity

Where instincts save or deceive; each its own profanity.


The need to run is an irrepressible drive

To find respite in waters of the river; alive.


Or to discover that salvation is as illusive

As the image of an oasis - just beyond the elusive...


The composition changing into inevitable death,

Whispering:   “Wildebeest, wildebeest - run to a last breath”.


Thursday, March 14, 2013

A Tree in Stillness

While bellicose storms overwhelm the air
A mind is filled with confusing aberration –
A silence bides its omnificent presence to ration
Stillness upon a tree of bare
And unto the burgeoning light across range of perception
Until enlightenment returns quiet to its intention.   

Friday, March 8, 2013


An inner thought occurs and
Finds me
And I find silence
As the circle completes -
Silence is me.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


The luminal focus of Spring light
Picturing a sacred tabernacle
Against the dormant ground
Holding apex at the steradian
Between the moment of death;
 And the ephemeral
Laying across the cold whitened ground  
 Under the blue
 A fallen one finds reason
 To arise...

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Poet Buried With Her Words

The woman lived alone
Keeping life in a swarm
Of many a young girl’s fears
Along with cascading diaries of her lost seasons.
While specters picked from the garden of mad reasons,
That horded into possessed years,
Piling each and all; covering them with deep earth warm.
For life became an idiopathic tome.
The material possessions simply implied a prone
Submission for at once, they possessed the keeper,
While the rooms disintegrated into nothingness
Where the mind had divested of all logic and muse.
And, the musicians holding empty hands do amuse
For their notes of tone color; strophic; rondo hath a grim reaper
Adagietto infusing the air with the fullness
Of Mahler’s Symphony 5 in a slow... and final atone.

5-7-5 Repeat

clepsydra speaks time
emptying in serpentine
twists to note life's rhyme