Saturday, March 2, 2013

Poet Buried With Her Words

The woman lived alone
Keeping life in a swarm
Of many a young girl’s fears
Along with cascading diaries of her lost seasons.
While specters picked from the garden of mad reasons,
That horded into possessed years,
Piling each and all; covering them with deep earth warm.
For life became an idiopathic tome.
The material possessions simply implied a prone
Submission for at once, they possessed the keeper,
While the rooms disintegrated into nothingness
Where the mind had divested of all logic and muse.
And, the musicians holding empty hands do amuse
For their notes of tone color; strophic; rondo hath a grim reaper
Adagietto infusing the air with the fullness
Of Mahler’s Symphony 5 in a slow... and final atone.

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