Saturday, June 23, 2012

Waiting the Wait

All the tired yesterdays hanging around,
Like so many a wistful frown,
The darken rooms where the sad party sits;
No longer able to see how anything fits
And the old platters spin and spin upon spinning
On the broken pains grooved deep and waiting
Just waiting; waiting the wait
For another day, another way
Another fate
Waiting the wait
Waiting, waiting, waiting...
Some unknown final date.

The blue skies are now always covered in gray
Like so many secrets kept closed in betray
Of all treasured memories kept cold under the pillow
Away from the blind eyes that can see a willow
Swaying against the window and weeping
Weeping willow weeping and waiting
Just waiting; waiting the wait
For another day, another way
Another fate
Waiting the wait
Waiting, waiting, waiting...
Some unknown final date.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Upon the Ecliptic

Once light consumed the longest day
Then night spoke of the solstice
Whisperings of its amative powers; even as they wane -
The lunatic’s divertissement circles in mad splay
While devils facilitate fire dancing in smoky feign
For dark reds flow of senselessness over painted pains
As angels wait, wait –  beyond the hue in the woods of onus.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Dancers Afire

The old man wrestles with his mind
Because his lost youth implores
The night’s demons to feed the pyre

So that all lost souls should gather to set him afire.

The moon’s gentle silver light is kind
Upon the lurking shadow who adores
The shards lying in the halcyon fire

And the raging dancers within the pyre.