Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Coming Home

Coming home always has its one moment 

    of regret and of reward - 

        regardless the reminisce...

or the prevailing wind.

Friday, November 18, 2022


Yes, that is me,

Fallen across the debris-

    I may have slipped or failed;

It is hard to rebuild from the shale

Once it begins to cascade

Down the mountain's fade;

    The detritus, at the hold,

        Is what will remain -  as told. 

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Hex of FTX

A Bit of Hex from FTX

Sammie the bank - man its fried

the island of desire now detached

from the mainland cash cows

find a life vest to wear -

        'fore the shark vests come to feed....

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Just In Passing


Just In Passing

The note arrived late one November afternoon

It came quietly saying, “Dad’s lost in passing”.

It was a simple thought, “his work will be lasting”.

The notice announced, “we will gather at the next red moon”.

There was an empty book at the front door

With small cards reading a prayer for a soul’s passing.

And a reminder to all, “nothing is everlasting”.

There were cold folding chairs lined across an old wood floor.

The grey skies outside cried through the window’s panes

As people gathered in line to honor an old man’s passing.

Each shared a moment and a soft embrace saying, “his work is lasting”.

And after prayers were said shared memories brought laughter and too, pains.

The empty room was busy now with family and friends tending

To an array of old photos and keepsakes left to tell of life’s passing;

Newborn to child; teen to man; soldier to artist; the images were lasting.

Placing a lifetime in proper chronology does not always explain the ending.

Wondering through his life and paging through his works of art

While overhearing so many whispers, “how did we not see this before his passing?

And why did he stop creating; why did silence then become so lasting – “

A sweet child imagined, “perhaps, he had given all that was left in his heart”.

Sunday, November 13, 2022



The difference is,

shine in salvation-

Or fester

In ruin.

The fire cares not

the compromise.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Come Along

"Come along with me",

spake the universe.

"Nay, for there is yet light

that waits my presence",

whispered the moon -

And the children broke wild.

Friday, November 11, 2022

Leaf Circle

You are the leaf floating upon the surface

you are winds carrying you away

you are the river's waters moving along

to find the greater ocean

you are unique to yourself; 

be one - be all.

Monday, November 7, 2022

Window's Bay

Standin' by the window's bay

Watchin' the day fade away

Knowin' nothing ever gonna stay

Seein' how time has much to say

When light cedes to my night's fae.

(homage to Otis Redding - Dock of the Bay)

Saturday, November 5, 2022


Taking breath:

Expanding out matter 

and reducing to infinite 

point of the darkness.



When all the forces gather,

at the foothold, where earth stands

at the precipice

of Armageddon

waiting for mortality to take breath.

Photo by: adamkylejackson.com

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Floating Away

The leaves jump to their floating ways

writing poems across the blue sky

as the days dwindle into a long sleep -

for the last light calls her children home.