Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Waking the Rains

Something very alluring about brooding
that pries out the best and the worst in me.

Standing alone against the falling
a son is shaped, by the light and the shadow, into a long black silhouette
against the faceless blue - an incomprehensible form yet, somehow a unique
standing file, a lone soldier, upright against the face of the impending rains.

Yes, those rains, the ones that fill the ageless
that quivers and flows from the eyes of mother;
contouring deep gouged channels of rejection – into the sheared rock 
of dreads; forces that rampage life crafts along her raging waters.

One must not fear the rumble of the accusing thunder nor flinch at the stinging
that bites like sharp tongues striking at the highest points with arrays of jagged light.

Sister Torquemada’s sepulchral gaze crosses the room and consumes
the space
her face closes the many blinds - so to shut out the lost years.

Pupils are placed into darkness – sentenced to learn to love
and defiance - becomes a way to see into the darkness of a small cave
where the light is from the candle of self-awareness and the
rises higher from the edges of the night across the mountain side bringing
the valley into the dawn of a new day; a new walk; a new path.

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