The old clock on the wall -
Been there; even before the room had cast.
The old face hasn't changed much except its call -
It went silent after the twelfth twelfth last.
The old face hasn’t a second
Or a minute nor an hour
Yet, time’s gasp is a reckoned
Place of power and dour.
That a day turns to years is semantics.
A disambiguation of past stories and relics
And of all unseen, unknown mimics
Of sometime; of someplace; of somewhere -
That exist only because they eschew life’s fare.
The old clock on the wall does not care
Though it takes time; it doesn’t give time for any affair.
And now, as the timekeeper approaches, the toll sounds -
Twelve bells; calling for all dispossessed and harrowed souls;
A final roll (a paginated keep of fame and ignominy) extolls
The old clock’s obsequies left on sacred grounds
To debouch out into rills and rivers to the open sea
Where the universe brings succor - to be.