Monday, October 4, 2021

Let's Go There

 Let’s Go There

Shall we climb the mountain

where clouds roam the blue

so that I catch one just for you-

and we can hold it in certain?

Shall we walk the paths of the dale

to where gardens are full in flowers

and we can dance and sing for hours

of our time together in rejoice and in hale?

Come, hold my hand dear, 

say where can we go from here

that finds a place without a care.

I know, I see – let’s go there.

Dedicated to Ron and Joyce 2008

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Time in Place

Time in Place

What time have these roads lost?

Two remote paths

Along a distant cottonwood grove; crossed.

Frome where have these beginnings come?

To walk a shelters' long crossway

Where a refuge exists for souls that keep their private drum

And for the flock of migrating questions seeking life's reason;

To sit a moment and set aside all the pains

Into a welling salve upon the scars of treason.

Now the unknown circles in the sky have exposure

As collateral passages must continue

Along their separate ways to closure

From old to new stories

That tell of change; a fresh novel

A new song; a hopeful day's glories!

Where familiar pains

Rest in the hot sun

Waiting for refreshing rains.