Saturday, May 30, 2015

A Nursery of Insanity with Vanity Doors

A Nursery of Insanity with Vanity Doors


The insanity had four doors

Neither vanity was a way out.


As endless directions spun upon a compass point

With each circle degree a mere fury joint


Between the scars of a past bout

And the forecast of eyes seeing to anoint


A mother’s misdeeds and ghastly scores

While father was emptying his gut upon the floors.


The only escape from circle’s infinite route

Was to find growth by separation

From the betraying connection

To all true and false relation


That created or destroyed the mortal gap

And grasp of mind to its fear and anxiety

Spinning and tittering in a mad society

With pent fears straining to snap.

The Ravages of Stillness

perhaps you found your way in

one night as an aftermath of ruin

or maybe through the savages of war

could it be that you entered during communion

along with the holy ghost...


perhaps you were you always there  - brewing

within dormant genes hiding; waiting

until the moment your poison began to pour

inflaming dissidents upon the points of union

as the immune armies go awry with twisting riposte


millions of lilliputian hooks, ties and ropes

fastened to every bone joint, muscle and tendon

pulled to stretch taunt against natural kinesis

the inflamed battles of attrition will become a pyrrhic war

won once the bugles of pain are at once – laid still


the eyes grow blank and darken into shade of hopes

the once athletic body spun; now locked into joints of mortise and tenon

a sculpture ravaged in silence; pondering the stillness

of the room that is without windows and a closed door

for strength fails the warrior’s will.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Evolving – Dissolving

His architectural pen sets

Our golden wedding wine goblets


Bobby’s baby foot imprints

Lizzie’s first mother’s day card with her hand prints


His old college sweaters

 All my secret love letters


The art room easel stand

Mother’s pearl strand


The library full of dad’s treasured books

My brother’s collection of pruning hooks


The kitchen red roaster clock

My old teenage diary with broken lock     


All of these will be sent apart

While my life sits with a weeping broken heart


Since time has chosen this fateful day

To take me away to some other stay.


Friday, May 15, 2015

Mother's Candelabra

Mother’s Candelabra


Mother’s blue cathedral a pinnacle place
(with sacred candelabras of yellow)
To ruminate upon time’s pace
As the notes scale the cello
Playing melancholia’s case

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Not Drowning

The swimmer was drawn to the shoreline
Because being a wanderer was in her soul
And the lapping sound against the sands
Metered in her mind like a poetic line
That reached in deep - like surgeon’s hands
Ripping out her heart to make a hole;
As a mark of the place she must avoid
For within her doubts she could be destroyed
As she swam out further and further out to the sea
To find the depths that would be the last thing she would see.
They gathered and said, “It was swimming – not drowning.”
And of course, she had always known it would be a crowning.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Awakened in middle of night

To feed at the wells of endurance

 As throe’s insistence is undeniable


Awaiting the sun’s radiance

To warm the stern coldness

In the twisted structures


Locked still by the soreness

The rascal sits at the morning table

While the hot tea and poisons of chemistry relieve


Distressing dreams and thoughts that disable

The urgings of strength and power

From finding their destiny and eminence


 The companion refuses to leave the hour

Nor abide to any prayer for grace

As its pain is the water of the black flower.


Monday, May 11, 2015

Being Inside the Outside

Being Inside the Outside


Whereas daylight’s grace might recognize

the trodden faces standing at the edge

along the uncertain path to perdition

the night’s cold embrace forbids any fiction

and rather punishing and unforgiving to foolish eyes

that dare walk out unto the darken outside

unprepared; hoping to find a hearth being inside

 the dwelling places that fate denies

or memory’s love lost  in lonely disguise.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

No One Lives Here Anymore

No one lives here anymore.
Inside where darkness thrives
and the past will forever dwell
reflecting; grasping at static yore.
The present moment leaps forward
towards where the morning light strives
outside beyond the window’s tell
and change can be explored.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

A State

A State


Vanity is to awareness

As banality is to kindness

Each a state of telling trait


Sunday, May 3, 2015


An uncertain light calls - seeking

the beloved ships gone by on wayward cast

Repeating; vacillating; circling

the beacon’s ray cutting

At and past the vast last

edges of the screaking sound

where beats the loving heart

that keeps a warm and familiar hearth

the questions and doubts forgiven at the harbor’s round

where the open moment of now is found


though, the twinkling star light

beacons - maybe as uncertain as the night.