Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Blue Aura in Pink

The mystical light reaches the cold irony of wrought
While caressing the natural vulnerability of pink

And thus, highlighting their inclusive link
To the appetites of passion caught
within the bluish auras of cold and hot.

Saturday, April 20, 2013


Old grievances; ancient dialects; the past...

Squeeze their boney fingers so to grip hold lorn reason;


While time eternal, paces short for a miscast

Eye, of an angry failing mind, imbued with treason;


Intended for one final act of insanity that will at last,

Bring the whole of the village into a darken season;


Where evil beasts, within each clan,

Scream with dithyrambic promise:   “Death - rather than!”   






Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Time Exposure

The lens stops position

and within a moment

the shutter’s light

transposes the eye

unto permanent angle

of focus; where lines stray

between the edge of tenses

interwoven with tones

of sentimental timeframes;

crystallizing the exposure

in black and white rational form;

that deem to develop conclusions

of either wistful reflections

or willful projections -

each a picture of capture



to a tattered keepsake

or a tortured heartache.