Thursday, March 29, 2012

Projections, Progressions and Transgressions

We’ve arrived at this place in the dimming woods
When all the rules and directions are poised projections;
Mere composites of the hopes and dreams
And as such ...

Complex progressions
Of the little things that were once won and lost; it’s understood
Control  is out of touch –

And while the path ahead seems
Twice crossed with youth’s  transgressions
The exit is clearly a faith in circles and dimensions .

Thursday, March 15, 2012


The mighty Oaks stand tall over the woods;
Protecting the garden and the woman who tends -

It is understood ...
She mends.

She holds a small acorn
(A promise of Fall)
Upon her gentle hand -

There is no forlorn
She is grand.

Within the acorn – a journal
Of hope from peril -

She is eternal
She is Carol.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

In Company of Words


In small gatherings

Arranged for afternoon tea -

Are poetic acquaintances

For the moment.


Amassed in volumes

And chapters of life’s full course -

Are prose friends

For the day.


Read in leisure

Casually invite thoughts -

To a life together

For all tomorrows.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Falling into Falling

The night’s heavy weave of entanglements

Wear well against the cold hard truths in the air.

The multi-colored shawl wrapped around the neck

Hangs - when a stumble finds falling

Then falling finds oblivion’s noose tighten.

The music’s rhythms and beats enchanting

Reason to embrace the beguiling dancer

To dance across the velveteen skies

Until the night’s falling pulls away

The stars and the light into the darkness of falling.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Awake morning there is a day
Burgeoning the innocent horizon-

As the long night’s burdens lay
Tracks and scars along the arm

And reason escapes without pay
Leaving a void of space and time;

While a warrior sleeps with father’s harm.

The mirror on the wall awaits with reflections.
The doors that do not open - promise revelations.

Though they each reveal  a face painted in contradictions.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

I am Water

Water has substance
And is irrepressible life

Water is ethereal
And has intangible form

Water creates force
And determines life or death

I and him
are me
at odds.