Thursday, February 20, 2025

Winter Scene


Intersecting shadows of forms and lines

Within a mind’s muse that invites allusion

Of profound legacies and fore divines

That one might know in seclusion. 

Of incredible views; moments

 Under the deepest blue canopy,

With degrees of radiant adornments

Casted on snowed fields sans panoply.

The incalculable signs lost to a mind

That fails and falls to his bane

For his thoughts race to find

A friendly face; a familiar voice - in vain.

An empty scene except for a sounding chime

The engaging piece in a peculiar diorama

Standing pointless without rhyme

While encompassing every panorama.

Nuance is a kind visitor – a long shadow

That trembles as it traverses the quietness

And stands alone along the narrow

Line of trees of an infinite wildness.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Circles and Spheres

Why do you wonder so;

    what is that path you seek;

where will that circling flow

end?    -     Upon a strong perch; or a meek

    edge at the abyss, outside the sphere?

How will you know there - is not here?

When - has no face; has no place.

    For only for a blink will time hold your ink.