Monday, November 25, 2024

A Window's View


Window out;

Window in;



What hath thee for me?

What is it that I may see

When standing in

And looking out the attending

Panes while inside idles elder time.


What is that unforeseen line

That weaves cloth of fine

Silks with the insulting braids of a rope

Twisted and tied tightly to keep hope

Of dreams abandoned and forgotten.


What has this window misbegotten

Outside, on the other side, of wanton

Wonders, pleadings and poetry readings

Asking, “does that glass offer wiser headings;

Is that frame the reclaim of a poem’s place?”


 Where have you been - wearing that stilted face?

Does the past offer any key to a future race;

If you stay within, then will you ever see

What holds or means this pauper’s decree,

“One cannot see nor keep a window’s view”.


What have we left that is not old nor new?

Is this window a fragment upon time’s queue

Reflecting a yearning of what awaits

Or a ruing of great regret that late was fate’s

Hand - that neither opened nor closed the window’s view.



Window in.

Window out.

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

A Nation of Murmurations


A clamor of chatter

a chatter of skeletons screeching

A cloud of longings

a cloud of closings coming

A clutter of chaos closing

a matter of calamity calls

A concentration of condemns

a convention of consensus convenes

A congregation of conventions

a congregation of consenting constituents

A constellation of conditions

a constellation of concerns connects

A filth of finery 

a filth of flies’ flitter

A flight of foul foragers

a flight of opining flags flutter

A gathering of gaudy gods

a gathering of goons & loons

A hosting of harrowed helots 

a hosting horde of horror 

A roost of starlings

a roost of ranting rogues

A scourge of scarlet

a scourge of scoundrels scowling

A vulgarity of violence

a vulgarity of vultures

A vein of pain

a vault of fault

A winsome warrior of wander 

a wonder with words.

Sunday, November 3, 2024

The Other Side Poetry Night


time has a switch that sets off,

    in all darkness and is a faint light

that brings the bewildered,

                   the beholden


                   the benevolent


as a family of love.

Time and date is 21 of November

Six-thirty opens the mic!

Paladins!! come to the faint light

And rejoice

the rejoin of poets

And lovers of song.