Sunday, November 19, 2017

Fence Sentry

A cragged post stands a sentry fence
Holding ownership’s flags of forbiddance
Barriers connected with stern barbs and wire

And the medicine man dances the tribe’s dire
For the ranchers hold the land’s sentiment of aridness
With landscapes of ponderous yellow burnt starkness
And the vanishing points are jejune illusions
As are western deserts the home of delusions.

Phote: Brenda Krysh

Friday, November 17, 2017


Don’t ever accept - a proposition
The first one is fashioned - to give
And the last one is certain - to take

There is a probable - abstraction
That assumes you will not - live
Beyond a meditation’s wake

For all karma must - forsake
The need to act - to forgive
And remain pure – without intention.

A pebble drops upon the panacean - lake
           The waves are - transformative
                      Nevertheless, the waters remain an open solution

The beast devours for self-preservation
           The rabbit digs a hole for the same inclination; and the missive
                     Reads - that the synergy must exist for existence - to take

Survival has many owners; most have their reasons; these remain - opaque
           Problems are questions waiting to become - remissive
                     Silence is the only one that understands - the proposition

Death has a single name no matter the masses in the annihilation
           Prayers speak of a goodness despite the moral - permissive
                     The long rows of stones mark humanity’s final - break.

Monday, November 13, 2017

What is a Vase if Not an Empty

What is a Vase if Not an Empty

Sempiternity is the emptiness of the vase
With time being the vessel’s surface that contains the space.
Sentiment fills the structure with all senses of the heart
 And with glittery objects that make for splendid transient art.

Romantic matters and idealistic notions are set upon a grandiose base
Where the power of ephemerality stands while holding death’s face
And bitter tears, for the sentimental “I am” of Descartes,
Fall like fragile rose stems torn apart
And placed into the void that is the universal vase.

Where the inward is the relative outward & the outer is the macro inner space.
These empirical affectations become the ill fates of logic and its vessel’s chart.

And so, what is a vase - if not an empty of nothingness;
And if inverted, inside out, then a fill of everythingness?

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Sutherland Springs

Sutherland Springs

Corinthians  5:14
For Christ’s love compels us, since we have reached this conclusion:
If One died for all, then all died.

A blessed Sunday morning in a Church of Worship
Meets a small community with a Texas-size heart.
Gathered around the ministry – for it is time for prayer.
Join hands and greet your neighbor in this fellowship.
The Lord’s blessings and love shall all share
In this, the House of God and Sutherland Springs.

Praise be to God and Peace on to you - Friend.
The noon hour comes, when we shall all break bread
And offer praise and gratitude for all we share.
Pray towards the heavens for all will come to an end
For there is a madman with eyes of evil out there;
As death’s hand touches them and then, the church bell rings.

Long days of grieving will follow, after the slayed have been counted.
There was a baby; and an elder; and many, many more
Who, on a warm autumn day, the brethren shared the call.
There was a shooter, with killing on his mind, to be accounted
And there, a good neighbor who came to save the church so no more would fall.
Now they must bury their loved ones - while Amazing Grace sings.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

The Secret of Vanishing Points

A noose sways in the wind
Moving slightly one way
Then back the opposite -

Back and forth it moves
Intermittently between being
And not being -

As the moment decides
Whether letting go
Or holding on -

Is also the interval
That exists before
And after life -

Is the nostalgic past
Different from the pained

How does history change -
Is it not always
the same event?

That is, except when memory
Paints it into a future frame
Where all the paths disappear

To an uncertain eternity
Once, one is no longer
Part of its reference –

Thus, a vanishing point
Leads the eye of the painter
And distorts the poet’s meaning.