Corinthians 5:14
Christ’s love compels us, since we have reached this conclusion:
One died for all, then all died.
A blessed Sunday morning in a Church of Worship
Meets a small community with a Texas-size heart.
Gathered around the ministry – for it is time for
Join hands and greet your neighbor in this fellowship.
The Lord’s blessings and love shall all share
In this, the House of God and Sutherland Springs.
Praise be to God and Peace on to you - Friend.
The noon hour comes, when we shall all break
And offer praise and gratitude for all we share.
Pray towards the heavens for all will come to an
For there is a madman with eyes of evil out there;
As death’s hand touches them and then, the church
bell rings.
Long days of grieving will follow, after the slayed
have been counted.
There was a baby; and an elder; and many, many
Who, on a warm autumn day, the brethren shared
the call.
There was a shooter, with killing on his mind, to
be accounted
And there, a good neighbor who came to save the
church so no more would fall.
Now they must bury their loved ones - while
Amazing Grace sings.