Walking round the
outer edges
of the room so to
avoid the empty
metal chairs that fit
neatly in rows of ten
waiting to sit as if death’s
clusters of family
share quietly
like strangers
whispering secrets
for time has changed
everyone to older
forms of the stilled images
in the photographs of
a chronicle
that covers a hundred
years of connections.
From the nostalgic old
fashion clothes and hair styles
through today and the
time that is left -
now the mind winces;
the heart trembles; the eye tears
and the spirit tilts slightly;
to the uncertain probabilities
as the presence of
death’s vestige lies in open view
and each one who
passes by, in final respect,
senses the nearness
of the frozen moment
when we will come to
an end
and someone gathers the
picture’s stopping for a wake.