The physics of journey
Do not require physical movement
As standing perfectly inert
Will, still and all, set witness
To the dynamics of change.
Time is a relentless passage.
The concept that there is
Of anything one gazes upon,
While perhaps a poetically
egoistic thought,
The premise ignores a natural truth:
That human eyes are but a blink
Within the oscillations of the cosmos.
The travels of one’s lifetime
Bring everything into full circle
Where one must eventually confront
The points of cross between the promise
of youth
And the realities of age
By accepting the present moment as
the one.
A little boy of blue
Traveled across the sea
Seeking shiny coins of gold hue
Collecting instead seashells of glee
That he strung together into leis
Offering them along his wandering ways
Arriving finally, at the end - owning no gold,
But holding unto his presence
With nothing to lose - offering his last ‘lace
While singing with a grace,
“ Gold shines brightly to the hungry eye
But a seashell holds full the secrets of why”.