Monday, September 30, 2013

A Piece in the Mosaic

Each day fits in together - as a small piece
In the building of a life’s final mosaic
With moments to tender a heart’s ease
As each of us is connected in a small way.
Her weathered and gentle eyes entered the room
Escorted by a charmingly insouciant smile.
They told of a full life lived in full bloom
And too, of few scars of splintered pain.
As the evening’s partying hour wane
Her mosaic became clear to be full in the magic
Of woman, with a girl’s reign,
Cherishing each of life’s fragment and piece
That holds, as such, each hour of each day of living.
Her experiences the sections and the parts in long life’s sake
And kept with trust and with cherish; for the heart is forgiving -
Matter not, which shard or splinter may wound the skin. 
A recounting of how he had noticed her long before she would know
That from all harm he would always stand
To shield her from a broken cut or a shattering blow
Thus, a shinning knight to her Guinevere’s hand.
She had gathered and kept all the pieces with loving care
So that now their love story creates a beautiful mosaic
Melded, with the many pieces of an amaranthine love affair,
Into a keepsake bracelet that tells an old fashion love story.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Tribes of the Birches

As the tribes gather to seek;
As friends conform to a fire
The ancients bring spire
To the birch embers -
That hold our members
To the ultimate respire
Where care and love meet
For from ashes arise
Our complete comprise.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Days of Fall

The distinctive call of Canadian geese sound out
Across the skies with notes of the coming days of fall
Summoning all that it is time to gather for flight
As the days grow short - bringing a colder appall
To the tall Oaks that stand conceding to the lessening light
Their abundant green of summer into a mellowing doubt
And their color turns into aloof ember;
A flaunt face with shades of yellow and a fleeting ruddy complexion
As the diminishing days of autumn suggest a growing reflection
Upon a season’s end and that leaves one - to remember.

Monday, September 23, 2013

A Woman Walked By

A woman of some age walked by-

Seemed consumed by her view.

Her gait was a tentative affair

Though, there was a hint of purpose

And intention to her air -

There was also a missing queue

In the uncertain manner in her eyes,

I wondered if she was looking for someone

Or if there was no one...

Or if perhaps, she needed to be found.

It was so quiet where she was bound

I struggled with thoughts that we are sound.


Saturday, September 21, 2013

Red in the White was Once Blue

If circumstance had not taken a seat;
If chance had not happened as it did
Then this beautiful - perfectly blue sky 
Could not witness the brethren meet

He had been a good child
Rising with the sun to chase demons
Across the dark woods that held his wonder
But he never did understand why the wild

A strong young man with a twisted mind
That held a peculiar fantasy with the night
Being that it was a lover and a torturer
He really never knew what was kind

The road became his peace and master
The miles were a consuming nurture
And each destination just another strange
Though he could never leave; only run faster

They gave him a gun and colors to wear
Taught he well to hunt another man
Took his conscious and gave him eyes that stare
And with each deed he indeed, took less fare

The village was silent and still
Not even birds left to sing
Nor any reason to feel condemned
And he set upon destruction with skill

When the fires died and the ill smoke cleared
The mothers and their children were dead
How could he know they would hide in dread
His soul shrieked; what he saw-  he feared

And so he reverted to a young boy - flawed
Running after a  ghost in the ill fated woods
But there was no place to hide from his doom
He was captured, tried to face a firing squad

The late December day was cold gripped in throe
The whitened ground married to sky of grey
They stood him alone with nobody to pray
The metal pierced his chest and red stained the snow

His story was condensed to one line on black stone
No one who came  claimed to have paid the marker;
Under a beautiful - perfectly blue sky 
It read:  He lived and he died - alone.

Friday, September 20, 2013

When Raining

When Raining


It is raining this morning

It has been raining frequently of late


Every day it rains; mostly in the mornings

Sometimes the evenings are full of storms 

Lighting up the black skies

With views of heaven-

But, heaven is not there


Only the darkness between the forks of light

That tremble the ground


It rained some yesterday -

It is expected to pour down tomorrow


 The swollen rivers are careless

The abundant waters have no mercy


The sun has been gone for sometime


And the grey skies forecast no end

And so... I will - with a bird’s feather.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

What is Left

As you were leaving –
You asked, “What is left?”
Some tomorrows are best left -
Most yesterdays should never be left-
None of today should ever be left-
And I thought, let it be.
Left has a right to be...

Ashes and Poets

All poets gather at their graveside
For this dirge will preside:


“Ring-a-round the rosie,

A pocket full of posies,”


 Jimi’s Experience echoes
From beyond “Purple Haze”

Janis bellows Bobby McGee
Pearl finds “Cheap Thrills” in a daze

King Lizard sways thru the Doors
Stumbling through “People Are Strange” phase

Kurt on “Lithium”
Cryin’ “...not gonna crack” craze

 Like a flower - fleeting perfection
Like hot fire – flames in perdition.


“Ashes! Ashes!

- all fall down”

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Walking Companions

Sunlight hides in the deep wood-
A fugitive fleeting between the trees
And time exists without hourly pleas.
The path is merely steps taken in the passing
Of a day - gathering and leaving all that is good.
The old man wandered through his thought
Alone - but for his companion of twenty years
Who is mostly blind though still owns fine hound ears
And they both understand that soon a passing
Would be and they shall carry on without fraught.
For now, they walk together slowly towards the light
As they’ve done many times traversing their lives
Crisscrossing the mountain avoiding lowland hives
Where pain and joy are apple pies in passing
And instead, cherish the evanescent insight.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Sense and Sentiment

Sense and sentiment are lovers; strange
Shadows dancing in the ebbing light
Silhouetted forms through the old lace curtain
Their brief existences a flickering uncertain

While one feels the sweep of the air
Will lift their passions beyond care
The other knows the impending affair
Will inevitably end as season’s change

He wears silks of black and white
Certain his mind is right
Swirling round and round
The silence is a deafening sound 

She runs naked across her rainbow
Amused by the colors in the show
For her music plays - they know
Sense and sentiment are lovers; strange

Turning Autumn

He awakens to an air of chill...
As autumn turns the edge
At the cascade's northern most latitude-
Her cold breath tenses his carefree attitude
As he must ready to jump the ledge
Across to the valley's river flow
Leaving behind leaves falling in throe-
As murmuration of starlings swoop in concert movement
And sit in trees of bare; like dark thoughts in the moment
For change is present and calls the mighty bear to sleep
And the lone hunter to return to a quiet in keep
As winter's cold touch taketh away the strong who is weak
The naive who is foolish and the frightened that is meek
As well as offer eternal harmony upon all that is ill.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Time Hangs Upon A Wall

In a scene sitting upon a foundational slab...
High upon a mountain's perch
Reflecting on the sun’s search
For tomorrow’s scars;
As radiant sunlight burns like an inferno’s fire
Over the water’s surface (a brief candlelight) within a universe of stars.
Time awaits with a whispered breath
That dwells upon the mountain’s breadth
As the night shadows egress over the day’s joys and fears
Falling into an all consuming darkness
And then slowly; inexorably immortality too, disappears-

While motorized water crafts run in whimsical splash
Crisscrossing back and forth in mad dash...
Weaving webs in manic pursuit of their fantasies of play
Leaving behind wisps of white spray trails
As the pursuer is dressed in delusional fay
Morning brings the night’s survivors to break fast
Recounting and retelling the evening of missed past
Left amongst the empty shot glasses that rancor in a shrillness
And too, framed black and white photographs hang in perpetuity
at the Iron Horse Grill wall of stillness.
As the next generation picks up the tab...

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Once Upon A Glacier

There comes a moment when the unreasonable hour;
The impractical impulse;
the improbable chance -
Are the very same reasons life exists ...

A Chance moment-
An impulse without doubt-
A spark of genuine light-

In whimsical pursuit of the mountains
And a trek to find nature's ice of purity;

A need to find a glacier....

A journey northwest to the cascades-
Being in flight is both reason to escape
And a purpose to capture...
And thus, a metamorphosis

A cocoon of inward context
A keeper of the possibilities
Wrapped with the pains of plain

Waiting the moment to evolve
To become; To grow wings; to change

To seek a basis of the glacier...

Time's cursive nature measures in relative terms
And so a glacier's essence is for eternity to understand-
The glaciers live at the edge of the highest places
And once reigned below and across the low lands

Before evolution stood up to walk-

Changing the granite faces of the mountains;
Creating a paradise for rivers to flow into bodies of water

Infusing and engaging their grace of coldness
So that a warmness might breathe life

When one reflects upon the glacier...

The travel diverges from the ocean's lap
Through the breast of the emerald forests
Across barren lands held in a deathly pale ember;
Where trepidations battle determinations

For survival; for intention; for a singularity
Between the dryness of logic
And the fertility of imagination

Where the epic and the apex
Speak of an eternity that is-

Where one finds a glacier...