New born infant what will you find
That is unbreakable in this first day.
And then through a lifetime of mainstay
Principles that will test your mind
And that of the mighty oak that holds
your swing;
Or the woodland paths where spring
The worlds that are at best forgiving
And at worst, the way of forbidding
Truths and lies that may thus foment
Who and what you will believe.
Young man what have you found
That is unbreakable in this beginning
Year of your first and fruitful yearning
And are you certain that life will bound
Forth, full of strength and with a force
That will alter humanity’s course
Beyond its immediate destruction
And enraptured annihilation
Unabated by its quest for conquest
And of its unrelenting need for greed.
Fearsome man what have you done
That is unbreakable in this place
Where you live without grace
And without rhyme with one
Nor with anything that holds mirth;
As it has become about your worth
And less about those poor and meek
Who must seek shelter or a death in wreak
Amongst a cosmos that holds neither
Nor anyone - be they mighty or weak in
the end.
Old man what have you lost;
What have you gained that is unbreakable
Besides your word of promise and name
And all disguised in a last testament of
Fastened together at all costs…
For the things you have built not to
Are nothing more than your own mortar of make
Reasons and compromise that now hold no
Soon to whither and waste upon your death.
And that will, in the end, prove that the
only sake
That matters will stand, and whisper pray
at your wake.